Happy Holidays from BELA

We hope the holiday season will provide you with some
much needed rest and time with your family.

Thank you!
A Special thank you to all of our parent volunteers for helping with RAK Day! It was another
great success this year!
Thank you to all of our families for taking time out of your busy schedules to attend Family
Learning Celebrations with your little ones. We love to have you all in the classroom and
they are so excited to show you everything they are learning!

Important Dates:
●December 15 (AM) & 16 (AM/PM): Pajama Day
●December 18-January 2: Christmas Break
●Parent Advisory Council January 27, 2021: watch for more info!


Moving into the winter months the classes will enjoy the Snow Angels, Icicles and Winter
Wonder theme!


Please remember to dress your children for the weather and send outside clothing
including winter coats, snow pants, hat, mitts and boots depending on the weather
so the classes are able to head outside as much as they can!

Healthy Habits:

Many toddlers are watching more than
two hours of TV & videos/day!
Did you know too much screen time
places these at risk:
-Brain development
-Talking and vocabulary
-Attention and memory
-Coping behaviour

Tips to Help:
-Spend more time doing fun activities like
reading books, playing outside, crafts,
dancing and puzzles
-Set a good example. Children often copy
what we do. Try to spend more time
doing things you enjoy and you may be
less frustrated by interruptions.
What if….

I need to make dinner or get the laundry
done!? Plan simple, fun activities for your
child to help you to have fun by
themselves. They may like to do a simple
craft while you are cooking or play with a
bin of dress up clothes when you are
doing laundry.

Moving into the winter months the classes will enjoy the Snow Angels, Icicles and Winter
Wonder theme!